Change your excuses into reasons to learn a new language |

Change your excuses into reasons to learn a new language

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Studying a new language is an epic journey that can be very rewarding. And because this can be complex, excuses, delays and procrastinations can easily become a normal part of a language learners thought process. For that reason we will share some excuses that we’ve heard to often when the going gets tough, but because we love languages, we want to motivate you to change excuses into reasons to continue studying.

Excuse: It’s not my style of learning

So you’ve signed up for an online class, you’re now 3 weeks into the course but you’ve found yourself lacking motivation. You imagined that an online class would give you freedom, and allow you to learn at your own pace, but for some reason it just isn’t working.

Reason to learn: Use this experience to find your ideal learning style

So you’ve gathered that online classes aren’t for you. What’s next? Well what you don’t want to do is to give up. Take this as a learning curve, your next goal now is to find a better style that works for you. What works for one person doesn’t work for another. In this case try out an evening class for instance. It could be that you work better at having a personal engagement with a teacher, whereas someone else may find an interactive learning approach perfect for their style of learning. The example above doesn’t suggest that classes work better than online classes, instead It shows that everyone has a unique method of learning. It’s all about finding what works for you so that you can progress in your studies.

Excuse: English is spoken practically everywhere

Yes, English is a widely spoken language, but don’t use this excuse when you come to a standstill in your language learning. English isn’t spoken by every single person on this earth and this excuse isn’t cutting it.

Reason to learn: Open your mind to new things

Learning a new language will open your mind to new cultures and a host of other things. While we agree that English is a global language, don’t let that excuse stop you from achieving your goal.

Excuse: I’m a tad bit too old

You’ve always wanted to learn Spanish, and it’s been at the back of your mind, but due to your busy schedule and hectic lifestyle, it hasn’t been something that you’ve been able to follow through with. You’re passionate about learning Spanish and now that you’ve found some time, what’s stopping you? Well for one reason or the other, some people use their age as an excuse.

Reason to learn: There’s no discrimination in learning

Yes, we’ve all heard it time and time again that children learn quicker or that it’s impossible for an older person to learn as effectively as a younger person. These repeated excuses bare no reality because language learners around world come in all ages. Learning has no limitations which is why language learners shouldn’t surrender to this excuse.

Excuse: I just have no time

“I’m so busy, I have so much to do at work, and not forgetting running after my toddler when I get home.” At times, many language learners procrastinate and blame their lack of language learning on the lack of time. This is an excuse we’ve heard too many times!

Reason to learn: Time invested will pay off

There isn’t a golden rule that dictates that a language learner should spend all day studying for a new language. The amount of time you choose to spend on learning a new language can differ. You can spend 2 hours in the week, or even 20 minutes a day for instance. If you truly want something you should find the time for it, because as you can imagine, investing time now will show in the future. And not only this, but squeezing in time for your language learning may teach you a thing or two about your time management skills.

Excuse: It’s just too difficult

Yes, we all know that language learning can be difficult. But you insist that it’s more than challenging, instead blaming it on your learning ability. You’ve got it in your head that your brain just doesn’t allow you to learn the way every other language learner does.

Reason to learn: Challenge yourself

Any student will tell you that difficulties always surface whether you like it or not. Overcoming your challenge is a big part of the learning curve. It’s these obstacles that make you a better student, in fact a difficulty that you face trying to understand a rule, such as the pronunciation of a word, or the spelling of a word can help you.